
Oral sex is one of the great sexual pleasures for a man. And when she is performing oral sex on you, the ultimate way to finish is in her mouth. But if your spunk is tasing funky, will she want you to cum in her mouth? Whether she spits or swallow is irrelevant when you’ve your shooting bitter loads. Thankfully there is SemEnhance, a dietary supplement,made from natural ingredients which makes your man spooge taste fruity. After all, we use mouthwash and breath mints to disguise bad breath, why not something to make your semen tase better? 

What causes bad tasting cum?

Funky spunk is caused by health and diet. Consuming alcohol, coffee, junk food and smoking all have contributing factors and consuming foods that make your urine smell funny, like asparagus, onions and garlic will also have an influence on the taste of your semen. Women report that men who consume high levels of sweet fruit, particularly pineapple and pineapple juice have sweeter tasting spunk. But does this mean that after a hard days work we need to stop having a beer in the evening and drink cartons of pineapple juice everyday instead? Of course not!

How does SemEnhance Work?

SemEnhance is very simple. It is a natural dietary supplement containing vitamin C, pineapple, kiwi, bee pollen, royal jelly, banana, strawberry, celery stalks, cellulose, gelatin, vegetable stearate and silicon dioxide, which when taken together, regularly results in a far sweeter load. Your partner will be far more inclined to give you oral sex to completion when the cream is sweet. 

Will SemEnhance make my loads bigger?

No. SemEnhance will  not enhance the volume of you ejaculations, nor will it increase the size of your penis. (There are plenty of products to help with those issues.) SemEnhace is simply a Flavour enhancer which makes your semen taste fruity.


Wher can I buy SemEnhace?​

SemEnhace can be bought at the official website by clicking the button below.
