About Us

We inform, help and support men with their sexual health and well being.

Inspiring creative work

Here at MascMedic.com we are interested in promoting sexual health and well being for men. We have a number of articles relating to men’s sexual health issues and we also review a number of men’s products. The opinions of the products that we review are our own and we only promote products that we trust and feel that they may be useful to some men. If you have any medical issues concerning your sexual health or are unsure of weather the products that we promote are suitable for you to use, please contact your doctor.


Affiliate disclosure

This website has links to products that we review and promote. If a purchase is made through any of these links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. We appreciate the support and if you have any questions regarding any of the products that we are affiliated with, please contact us at the contact tab at the top of this website.